5 Tips to Free yourself from utility companies - baby steppin'

Free electricity doesn't have to cost a ton of money. Doing it yourself (DIY) is an alternative that many, including me, have chosen. With the new go green energy incentives, those of you are not inclined to DIY can now take advantage of those rebates and do something great for the planet and get free from the grid.

But what if you don't have time to DIY and don't have the money to convert your home right now? Just take one baby step at a time!

The first thing you should look at is your electric consumption. Where can you cut down? Replacing those regular light bulbs with the new florescent ones is a great start. They last years and take very little energy.

Washing only full loads will save energy because it takes the same amount of electricity to do a small load as it does to clean a large amount of clothes. This also helps save some of our precious water.

Most electronics are on all the time. These little power drainers include your TV, stereo, surround sound system, satellite dish receiver and the list goes on. By connecting those drainers to a power strip and turning off the strip when not in use, you will eliminate the electricity trickle and notice a difference on your bill.

Electric water heaters consume huge amounts of energy. Personally I haven't owned one since the 80's, but I know most homes have this type of heater. So do like I did when I did have one: put a water heater blanket on it, put a timer on it so it only goes on when you need it and doesn't heat water all day and all night, then insulate your hot water pipes. The insulation is cheap and readily available at hardware stores. It is easy to install as it is slit up one side to just slip on. You will notice an immediate decrease in your electricity bill.

For those who want to get completely off the grid and free yourself from utility bills, Check This Out!

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